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Slope and Rating

The slope and rating are critical for obtaining an accurate handicap. They measure the relative difficulty of the different courses you play.

Using the Slope and Rating
A full explanation of the slope and rating can be found in the Handicap Decoded section of The Knowledge Center.
The easiest place to find the slope and rating numbers are on the scorecard itself. They should be listed next to the tee colors or the back of the card. Most ratings lie between 65 and 75, and slopes fall between 110 and 130; You can check with the pro shop when you sign in or after your round; Another option is to use the MyScorecard Course Database, by clicking the 'Lookup Course' link next to the text box where you enter the course name.
While almost all U.S. courses have listed slope numbers, many international courses (and even some American courses) do not. If this is the case, enter 113 for the slope. Why? The handicap calculation includes the formula (113/slope). Entering 113 turns this ratio to 1 and removes the slope from figuring in the calculation.
Unfortunately, you need at least a course rating to enter a score for your handicap. Some executive courses, par 3s, and new courses do not have ratings. If a course is unrated, you cannot enter it into your Scorecard. We are sorry there is not a better answer.
If a course has updated its information (i.e. has been rerated), you only need to reflect the updated information for new scores (old scores stay the same).

If you had previously entered the course information manually, simply choose the same course from the dropdown and replace the old slope and rating information with the new slope and rating information, and enter your new score as normal. The new score will be recorded with the updated course information and your course list will reflect the updated information as well.

If you chose your score from the course database, you either email us or updated it on your own. Updating course information is easy - just look up the course in the course database, view the club profile, and then click on the update/confirm button next to the listing of slopes and ratings. You will then see the full list of tees slopes and ratings, and have the ability to make corrections to anything that is not "locked". Locked information has been verified by previous users and needs to be updated by MyScorecard support. In the case of a locked tee, simply send us a quick email and we can either unlock it or update the course information right away.

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