Each month we will try to bring to you straightforward examples of
popular - and not so popular - games on the course; games that will make your
rounds more challenging and fun to play. In this next installment of Game of the Month,
we will present a game to be played by a foursome: 'Six Point Scotch.'
Six Point Scotch pits the low and high handicaps against the middle handicap players. Handicap strokes are awarded by taking
the difference in the totals of the team handicaps. The higher
handicap player on the high-handicap team receives the strokes, as per the hardest holes on the HDCP line of the scorecard.
A total of 6 points is awarded for each hole. The points are awarded as follows:
- 2 points for low team total
- 2 points for low best ball
- 1 point for closest to the pin on the green in regulation
- 1 point for birdie.
Several optional rules also exist:
- If a team gets all six points, the point total is doubled. This is called a blitz or an umbrella.
- The game can be expanded to eight points in total, with one point awarded for the longest drive in the fairway and one point for low team putts.
- Pressing doubles the point total awarded for each hole. The press may stay on for the rest of the match. A team is allowed to press only when they are down.
Many players limit the number presses possible for each game.
As an example, if there are two presses on and a team gets a blitz, then the team receives all 6 points, x2 for the blitz, x2 for the first press,
x2 for the second press = 48 points.