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Little Red Book

Little Red Book Cover
Harvey Penick's Little Red Book by Harvey Penick

Recommended For:
Anyone who thinks of golf as more than a game. Whether you are a 2 handicap or a 20, this book passes on wisdom that will not only make you a better player, but will instill within you a greater appreciation for the game of golf.

At Amazon.com: 65 customers give it
Five stars

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Book Description

The best selling sports book of all time, it is the classic book of golf wisdom from the game's greatest teacher -- The Little Red Book has become required reading for all players and fans of the game of golf, from beginners to seasoned pros. The legendary Harvey Penick, who began his golfing career as a caddie in Austria, Texas, at the age of eight, worked with an amazing array of champions over the course of nearly a century, dispensing invaluable wisdom to golfers of every level.

From Simon & Schuster

...it is not for nothing that the Teacher of the Year Award given by the Golf Teachers Association is called the Harvey Penick Award. Now after sixty years of keeping notes on the things he's seen and learned and on the golfing greats he's taught, Penick is finally letting the secrets in his Little Red Book be heard by the golf world. His simple, direct, practical wisdom pares away all the hypertechnical jargon that's grown up around the game, and lets all golfers play their best---whatever their level.

From Amazon.com

This book makes you feel good about playing golf, that you're part of something steeped in ritual and mystery and tradition, and that the game was played perfectly well before perimeter-weighted, graphite-shafted irons came along.

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